Shipping options available:

International shipping thru shipping company of our choice almost all orders go with DHL. We will send you tracking number and courier name when order will be shipped. Please note, the shipping costs detailed below are estimated values and include VAT. The actual shipping cost may vary depending on the specifics of your order. The exact shipping cost will be provided and displayed in your shopping cart prior to checkout:

Austria - 11,40 EUR
Belgium - 11,50 EUR
Bulgaria - 18,00 EUR
Croatia - 18,75 EUR
Czech Republic - 7,02 EUR
Denmark - 18,75 EUR
Estonia - 11,40 EUR
Finland - 18,60 EUR
France - 18,00 EUR
Germany - 6,90 EUR
Greece - 18,60 EUR
Hungary - 12,06 EUR
Italy - 18,30 EUR
Latvia - 9,56 EUR
Lithuania - 9,56 EUR
Luxembourg - 11,11 EUR
Netherlands - 9,56 EUR
Norway - 18,75 EUR
Portugal - 18,45 EUR
Romania - 17,85 EUR
Slovakia - 6,96 EUR
Slovenia - 11,59 EUR
Spain - 18,15 EUR
Sweden - 18,75 EUR

Payment options available:

Regular wire transfer or pay with Payu fast online payments. Apple Pay, Google Pay, Credit Card and more. Safe, fast and reliable. Payu is the biggest payment provider in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe.

Ordering options:

We are an online store and accept orders exclusively through our website. This means that customers can securely and conveniently place their orders from the comfort of their own homes or from wherever they are. The website is designed to make the purchasing process easy and user-friendly, and our customers can choose from a wide range of products with just a few clicks. We believe that offering online purchases is the most efficient and effective way to serve our customers and provide them with the products they need.